California Legislative Black Caucus launches new website to tout its policy agenda and progress initiatives.
SACRAMENTO – The nine-member California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) today announced it has launched CLBC Agenda 2020, an ambitious multi-year effort built around two primary policy initiatives: education and black enterprise.
CLBC Agenda 2020 will promote legislative policies and governmental steps needed to achieve specific social and community progress goals set by the CLBC by the Year 2020 which includes efforts to reduce high unemployment among California’s African American women, men and teens; increase college-bound black student enrollment to state-funded colleges and universities by 25%; and increase the number of African American contractors doing business with the State of California.
“We’ve set a series of substantial goals for ourselves as lawmakers,” CLBC Chair Holly J. Mitchell said. Mitchell represents the 54th Assembly District. She chairs the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.
“Our CLBC members’ work in the State Capitol representing the interests, needs and concerns of Californians extends to our specific interest in making certain that African American residents in the Golden State are able fully share in programs and services California has to offer in the way of education and black enterprise opportunities to improve their lives and enhance their communities,” she added.
The CLBC Agenda 2020 Education Initiative seeks to:
- Protect, improve and expand access to high quality Early Care and Education for every African American child.
- Increase the African American high school graduation rate by 50% by 2020.
- Increase the number of African American students gaining admission to and matriculating from a California Community College, California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) by 25% by 2020.
- Conduct informational hearings in Los Angeles, San Diego, Inland Empire, Bay Area and Central Valley to elevate the emphasis on educational outcomes.
- Convene a task force to focus on closing the education achievement gap experienced by African American students
The CLBC Agenda 2020 Black Enterprise Initiative seeks to:
- Increase the number of African American contractors doing business with the State of California.
- Reduce African American unemployment rates by addressing the challenges in the small business community.
- Protect and preserve home ownership
- Promote training and vocational education opportunities, especially in economic sectors like to grow in the future
- Support workforce development efforts in human service occupations.
“With the CLBC Agenda 2020, we intend to build upon the accomplishments of our elected African American legislative predecessors who -- dating back to 1918 and through the CLBC’s founding in 1967 – fought courageously and tirelessly for equality, justice and opportunity for residents of our Golden State. Over the coming seven years, the nine members of the CLBC will do likewise until we achieve the legislative, policy and fiscal goals we have set for our Caucus and our state,” Assembly member Mitchell said.
To reach constituents with their new policy agenda and progress initiatives for education and black enterprise, CLBC members have launched a new website at