SACRAMENTO – December 5, 2013 – The members of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) are calling on campus officials at institutions of higher education across the State of California to address the continued low rate of enrollment at both the CSU and UC systems by African American students, as well as their having the lowest completion rates in all three public higher education systems as identified by the report released today by College Campaign.
CLBC Chair and state Senator Holly J. Mitchell said, “When according to the report, “young black adults, ages 25-34, are less educated than blacks ages 35-64,” it means that we have failed an entire generation of African American students and we need to ask ourselves what caused this discrepancy and ensure that we are not making the same mistakes with the next generation. This is why as a Caucus we have identified education as one of our two policy areas to focus our attention on improving by 2020. We will be examining the recommendations made by the report and identify areas in which we can collaborate with stakeholders to ensure that we focus on finding solutions and not on the disturbing trends. Our Caucus members have committed to hosting hearings in their district to enlist everyone in helping us solve this problem and ensure that this next generation surpasses blacks ages 25 to 64 in their educational accomplishments.”