Sacramento, CA - The California Legislative Black Caucus calls for peaceful protests after an unusual nighttime announcement of the Ferguson Grand Jury decision not to indict Officer Wilson for fatally shooting unarmed teenager, Michael Brown.
“Let us channel our feelings in a positive manner to bring about change in a meaningful and peaceful way so that the life of this young man was not in vain,” states Senator Holly Mitchell, Chair of the CLBC.
“In the spirit of peace and harmony, let nonviolence prevail, let’s link our hearts and our minds by channeling the spirit of Martin Luther King, who believed that “Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction.”
Violence and destruction of private property will not achieve anything but only feed the legacy of racism and distrust that permeates our Nation. Let us duplicate instead the legacy of those who marched in peace and harmony in Selma and work together as a community to bring about meaningful criminal justice reform.
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