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California Legislative Black Caucus Issues an Update on Endorsed Bills Following the End of the 2019-2020 Legislative Session


Sacramento – The California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) issues a legislative update following the last day of the 2019-2020 session. Members of the CLBC successfully authored dozens of bills.


The list below is the endorsed legislation headed to the Governor’s desk:

  • SB 203 Bradford would require youth under the age of 18 to consult with legal counsel before waiving their constitutional rights and before police begin interrogating.


  • AB 3121 Weber requires the establishment of a task force to study and develop reparation proposals for African Americans. 


  • AB 1835 Weber would require agencies to identify any unspent supplemental and concentration funds by annually reconciling the estimated amounts of these funds they include in their Local Control Accountability Plan with the actual amounts of funding the State reports apportioning to them.


  • AB 1950 Kamlager would limit the length of probation terms which would curb unnecessary interaction between law enforcement and Californians, reduce the spread of COVID-19, cut spending, and make our communities safer. Felony probation may be enforced for as long as the maximum possible prison sentence for the offense,


  • AB 2054 Kamlager would establish a pilot program to have community-based organizations serve as first responders instead of the police.


  • AB 2405 Burke would move beyond the sole creation of shelter and establishes a right to housing for children and families in California effective January 1, 2026.


  • AB 1185 McCarty would strengthen existing citizen sheriff oversight bodies and helps increase transparency and accountability.


  • AB 1196 Gipson would create a uniform statewide policy on carotid restraints and ensure that this procedure can no longer be improperly applied to Californians.


  • AB 1506 McCarty would create an opt-in Department of Justice Deadly Force Oversight division to investigate officer-involved shootings and use of force incidents.


  • AB 2342 McCarty would reduce recidivism in California by incentivizing persons on parole to pursue educational and vocational goals, and participate in rehabilitation programs for which they can earn credits for reduced terms of supervision.


  • AB 846 Burke would update existing mental and emotional health screening materials for peace officers to include an evaluation for explicit and implicit bias against race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religion, disability, and, sexual orientation.


  • AB 979 Holden calls for more diversity on corporate boards in California.


Despite our relentless efforts, the CLBC did not see the victory it hoped for several of our police reform bills. We will look at the possibility to introduce similar bills next year. Those bills include:


  • SB 731 Bradford, would have increased accountability for law enforcement officers that commit serious misconduct and illegally violate a person’s civil rights. “I am deeply disappointed that this bill did not receive the debate and vote it rightfully deserved,” said Senator Bradford. “This bill is not dead, only delayed by the dishonest and disingenuous tactics deployed by law enforcement to prevent meaningful police reform. This issue cannot rest, and I am committed to pursuing this reform in the next legislative session.”


  • AB 1022 Holden, would require an officer, when in a position to do so, to report and intervene when they know or have reason to know, that another officer is about to use, or is using, unnecessary force. “From Rodney King in 1991 to Stephon Clark in 2018, California has had a history with excessive use of force by police officers,” continued Holden. “With protection from the law, this legislation empowers police officers to do the right thing.”


CLBC priority bills already signed or chaptered:


  • ACA 5 Weber removes Article I, section 31 from the California Constitution to be voted on by voters in the 2020 ballot. This measure would repeal the provisions enacted by the initiative, Proposition 209 in 1996, prohibiting the state from affirmative action. ACA 5 is Proposition 16 on the November ballot.


  • ACA 6 McCarty would restore the voting rights to people serving a parole sentence. This constitutional amendment would affect a large population of Black Californians that are incarcerated. It will also play a huge role in changing the criminal justice system that heavily affects Black Californians. ACA 6 is Proposition 17 on the November ballot.


  • AB 1460 Weber requires students at California State University (CSU) campuses to fulfill three units from courses in African American, Asian American, Latino/a or Native American studies. “AB 1460 is the culmination of a 50 year struggle to ensure that students who are members of these ethnic groups have their history, cultures and experiences incorporated fully into the CSU’s core requirements,” said Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber.


The CLBC remains committed to its legacy of pursuing policies that advocate for the interests of Black Californians. Despite the challenges of the health and racism pandemics, the CLBC continues to author groundbreaking legislation making California a stronger, fairer State.
