SACRAMENTO - Members of the California Legislative Black Caucus (CLBC) praised California Highway Patrol Commissioner Joseph Farrow in a statement released today for his actions to revoke the peace officer status of the CHP officer who beat an African American female pedestrian during a July 1, 2014 encounter on the Interstate 10 Freeway in West Los Angeles:
CLBC Chair and state Senator Holly J. Mitchell said “CHP Commissioner Joseph Farrow has taken the appropriate action. We believe he should be praised for his efforts to ensure there is law enforcement accountability throughout our state by moving to revoke the peace officer status of the California Highway patrol officer caught on video beating Ms. Marlene Pinnock on the shoulder of a Los Angeles freeway.”
The public’s confidence in the CHP was rocked by video images of the roadside encounter between the CHP officer and Ms. Marlene Pinnock. The shocking incident seriously called into question the officer’s judgment given the excessive level of force he applied during his violent physical encounter with Ms. Pinnock.”